Wills & Trusts

Estate Planning Tips for Avoiding Probate

Business Succession Planning Explained in TuckerAllen Town Hall

Town Hall Discusses Strategies for Long-Term Care

​TuckerAllen recently hosted a virtual town hall discussing strategies to help pay for long-term care. The town hall was hosted by moderator Scott Trout and featured a panel of TuckerAllen estate planning attorneys who discussed one of the most common dilemmas people face as they age.

TuckerAllen Town Hall Discusses Trust Distribution Options

TuckerAllen recently hosted a virtual town hall that provided a detailed overview of trust distributions, hosted by moderator Scott Trout. The town hall featured a panel of TuckerAllen estate planning attorneys who reviewed the most important information concerning trust distribution options.

ABLE Accounts Can Benefit Loved Ones with Special Needs

For families with disabled loved ones who are eligible for benefits such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it can be a challenge to provide the most comfortable life possible for the family member, yet not jeopardize the person's eligibility for needed government benefits.

That’s Right, Woodchuck-Chuckers, It’s Groundhog Day!

In the now-classic comedy “Groundhog Day”, Bill Murray’s Phil finds himself trapped on the same day, February 2nd, waking each morning to experience the same events over and over again. While there are times in which we too feel like we are stuck in Groundhog Day as our daily lives can become repetitive, the reality is that the only constant in our lives is change.