Town Hall Discusses Strategies for Long-Term Care

​TuckerAllen recently hosted a virtual town hall discussing strategies to help pay for long-term care.

The town hall was hosted by moderator Scott Trout and featured a panel of TuckerAllen estate planning attorneys who discussed one of the most common dilemmas people face as they age. They explained the different options individuals have to help pay for this expense depending on your personal financial situation.

Nursing homes are often very expensive, and nearly everyone needs some sort of long-term care when they reach a certain age. The panel reviews the pros and cons of paying out of pocket, long-term care insurance, potential pre-planning options such as irrevocable asset protection trusts and personal care contracts, Medicaid/VA benefits, and more.

TuckerAllen hosts regular virtual town halls to help address your most pressing elder care and estate planning needs. Register to learn more.

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